My Blog List

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dreams as big as the sky.

I read something today that said I should make a list of my dreams, and that I should dream BIG, so I decided to blow on the dandelion of the universe by writing some things down.

1. I want to write a fantasy book, or two, or three. And then have those books turned into movies.
2. I want to travel to Mongolia, and ride one of their horses.
3. I want to live in South Africa for a short time.
4. I want to live in England, and for a cherry on top, meet Benedict Cumberbatch. ;)
5. I want to get a masters in Chinese, and become fluent.
6. I want to learn Korean, Afrikaans, Zulu, Arabic, Japanese, and Hebrew
7. I would like to get married I suppose, but that's less on me, than then other guy. Anyway, I'd like to find him.
8. I want to own an Andalusion. I dont care what color.
9. I want to dance at a ball, and have an event where I really look like a princess for a day.
10. I want to go to Tibet, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Austria, Russia, Iceland, Brazil, Germany, and I want to live in Norway and Scotland.
11. I want to really truly fly. Not in an airplane, but with actual wings.
12. I want to go trekking in Norway, and Scotland, and I want to walk the ancient paths of England that were established by the Romans.
13. I want to enter one of my dogs into a sheep trial, and do okay at it too.
14. I would like to learn dressage, and hunting and jumping. It would also be amazing to go fox hunting.
15. I want to have horse lessons at the Spanish Riding School.
16. I want to go to the place where they filmed Man from Snowy River.
17. I want to go to New Zealand and see where they filmed LOTR.
18. I would love to buy a racing horse, and put it through the Triple Crown.
19. I want to live in China and Taiwan.
20. (here is the space for more dreams to come)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Embrace the Change

I am a dreamer in the metaphysical and literal sense. I often find myself distracted by my own dreams, and the memories of dreams. But it is altogether unwise to dwell on the immaterial, it does not bring peace, it's best use is to fuel the actions of today. I had a dream in the fall in which a voice told me to "embrace the change", and that is something I have been striving for since. I spoke to a friend today who told me she didnt want life to take her to places where she did not know, or had not been. Avoiding change has become the popular thing to do these days, but meanwhile we watch movies and read books about protagonists who are thrust into adventure that is not in their 5 years plans. 

Lets move out of our Hobbit holes and go on a grand  adventure of our own. I think now is the time to take God's promises to the bank. There is an awesome exchange rate I hear. If he means good towards us, and knows us before we even knew ourselves, if the Bible says he will give us the desires of our hearts, then you can bank on it. Lets live in a culture outside of 5 year plans that tell us we can only draw within the lines, and become modern artists shall we? For those of you with the confidence, create a new shade of color and splash it everywhere you go! 

I propose a crusade of fulfilled promises and fearless joy at the embracing of life! Be fully yourself. God loves that about you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Bit of Fry and Laurie - The Christening

a commen mentality in todays church. keep watching past the naming bit and i think ull find it both funny and interesting.

Cowboy Dressage Horses and Pretty Ladies

Everyone know's I'm a horse fan, or more correctly a horse fanatic, but I found this video and I just thought it was so cute. It has this awesome snarky little poem at the end that makes it worth it

the ramp - chosen - prophecy

Prophecy to the dry bones!!! We need to be the ones who declare over our generation new life. In a time when everyone is uttering words of death to the youth we can speak life.

I will Run - Chosen

A powerful look at what it means to sacrifice yourself and what you love for Christ. I have watched this video over and over again, and it's still powerful to me.